Thursday 22 December 2016


Yeah Christmas is almost coming. I don't really care bout it tho, but it's gonna be a great timing for a Christmas comic tho, as I'm sure Christmas will be searched more often by now. Maybe nope. Whatever anyway.
I don't really celebrate Christmas tho, as I'm not so into Christian, I don't wanna be Christian anyway. Being a Freethinker is way more better, as I don't really wanna be all "Clean", praying is boring and troublesome, and the bible....I don't like reading it tho.
Well it has nothing to do with Christmas tho, except that Christmas is mostly celebrated by Christians.

So here we have the worst joke of the week. And to be honest I got this idea for no reason. I am just kinda weird.
And another thing I hate about Christmas is that you will hear Christmas songs everywhere. To be honest I'm sick of it
And that is why you should never be lazy and always only copy paste or CTRL whatever. And by the way, what the hell are the Christmas Songs doing on the Billboard Hots Charts.
Please....BSs are already filling up the charts, and now Christmas Songs again?!

And......that's my opinion of that Santa Claus song, every time. I don't know if Santa actually learned something called "Privacy". Who on Earth would actually stalk people in their sleep?! Maybe Santa is what they called: Slenderman.
Also I made a banner for that. 

P/S: Everything said above are for Entertainment purposes only. If you feel offended, feel free to share it to your friends to offend them. Btw I've already said it's offensive.
Have a nice day everyone and Merry Christmas! 2017 is coming btw.

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Random Ideas That Pop Out In My Mind

Ye some random things again. So whatever anyway. Today is the first day of December, which is about 6 months from I first did this Josh In Kuching blog. Thanks you supporters, if you like the comics.
Well let's just get the post started.

This story was 100% made up tho. It just suddenly pop out in my brain which I also don't even know why. Well it's also the first time drawing dogs tho. I don't know if it's good or not...but whatever. Actually I'm better in drawing cats tho.

Actually this one is a true story tho. Why I titled it as an random idea, it's because the idea of drawing this into a comic just randomly pop out in my mind, like the title. This happened yesterday. I was planning a short comic series again called "Still Alone", even tho I actually planned that story as a script for a plan to make a YouTube video tho. 
But it was gone now, so I don't think I'm gonna draw it out these days tho.

This one is kinda true tho. These are what I always do when i am drawing for a new post for this blog. I play some EDMs from Monstercat's YouTube channel which is full of fantastic EDMs which you gotta check it out. This part ain't sponsored. I just wanna say that myself.
Thanks for the support tho. By the way, Christmas is comingggggg!!!!
Have a great day or night or whatever. =3= 

Sunday 27 November 2016


Ye, I didn't ask fopr any money to promote this page tho. Whatever. Who cares?!
I just roasted Jacob Sactorius tho. WHO CARES. Who doesn't roast him?!^3^

00btsvbase00 Instagram LINK:


Friday 25 November 2016

Random Things

Well, we had random Class Things, and also Random Aby Things, this time I'll just set it as Random Things, as they're all really random things tho. I can't find a topic recently. Brain has gotten rusty due to the starting holidays...
Neh nevermind.

Monday 7 November 2016

DREAM SCENCE ( A short comic series )

Dream scene is about the story of my Friend, Elson's dream. It's true tho. He shared his dreams with some of his friends and I decided to draw it into a comic series,
That's why I need to credit him. He provided the story tho. This story only consist of four pages but it took me almost a day to finish it tho. Don't ask why.
At least I tried my best. Maybe it's going to be funny for some but nothing at all to some others, but for me it's quite funny tho. Hope you like it.
if you like it do help share the link or this post to your friends. Sharing is Caring!
Contains content which may be quite violent, curse words, love words which may be quite disgusting, and some may be offensive to others. Please be noted that all content are just for entertainment purpose.


PG 1

\PG 2

PG 3

PG 4


Saturday 5 November 2016

Random Aby Things

Yeah, this week it's all about Aby. I'm pretty sure some of my "FRIENDS" will be saying stuff like "yerrr" or "ss" or things like that. That's why I'm gonna say that I'M NOT HER BOYFRIEND AND I DIDN'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HER!!!! That's disgusting LOLL.
So back to this week's blog topic. Aby is my best friend so of course I have a lot of stories about her. Well, I'm just gonna share three. Why? Because I only draw three strips for every post!
*Shaddap you only drew three because you don't know how to express the other stories*

So firstly. Aby is quite a CHUBBY girl, even tho I treat her like a boy tho. I really just wanted to pinch her cheeks everytime. It's so cuteeeeeeeee.
*EHEM* What?

Yeah and then she hit me so hard, and pinched my arm. Now you should know why I treat her like a boy. OVER VIOLENCE. But by the way, which girl in this era isn't violent?

So, the second story. It just happened the day before I drew this stupid blog post. It happened at school tho. So, she was stacking a card tower ( The teacher isn't teaching tho ), and.....................
Won't you just read the comic below?! Wait, you actually wanted to? Ohhh sorry then.

I'm super afraid of girls' crying, especially Aby's. Don't know why. We really panicked that time. Panic makes me think of Panic!At The Disco tho. Whatever, it has nothing to do with this.

So the third one....It's going to be so emo, emo until I blurred the things which Aby said. If I showed everyone what she said when she's emo, she's probably gonna kill me. 

I don't mind tho. Everyone gets emo sometimes lah. There's even a hyperactive person in my school who have thoughts of having suicide. Instead of that person, a bunch of people I know wanted to do so. Whatever anyway. 
So here's the end of the post. And me and my friend, Steve, are planning to draw a series of short stories, in another blog tho. Let's see when will the plan be carried out lor.
Have a great day and if you know me and Aby in the actual world, I REALLY DIDN'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HER.

Monday 31 October 2016


So there's another sponsered comic by Asher Neely. HE's my classmate bah, need to support him.
*Shut up you did it just for money*

ASHER NEELY's TWITTER:                                       HERE



Sunday 30 October 2016

Friends' Suggestions Series

So the Friends' Suggestions Series is like I use the suggestions from my friends to draw the comics. Will there be Friends' Suggestions Series #2? See if my idea enough or not lor. If not enough of course need suggestions.
No one asked that anyway. JOSH PERASAN.

Ya, this one is so random. This was suggested by a friend named Jeff. He says that Halloween is here so I should make a Halloween story. Yep, it is a Halloween story, just a stupid one which ended like a fairy tale. Fairy tales just randomly ended with a SINCE THEN XXX LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER, just like this story here.
And it's so random that I even added Aby's nickname and a heritage building inside.
Happy Halloween still tho.

Sorry for all those cringy emojis tho. Yep, obviously, this was suggested by Aby. Even though she said that I draw her so ugly tho. I DON'T CAREEEEEE XD!!! Why all those emojis? That's how we always chat. A lot of random emojis.

And yep, someone got so emo last night. It's so contagious that even I got emo too. yep, you don't have friends? What on earth am I? A potato? Mashed potato? Fries? Wedges? Chips?! Or I'm just a dust flying randomly?!
LOL anyway..
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY. Even tho some may see this after Halloween tho. 
I drew this during Halloween. Hope I'm not late.
Will there be a Friends' Suggestions Series #2? See if me got idea or not lor.........
What? I said that before already?
Whatever anyway. Have a nice day or night or whatever time you're in now. 

Saturday 22 October 2016

Year End Exam

So when I'm posting the blog post, I just finished my year end exam. Finally ahhhhhhh!!! So I still remember when we have our Sejarah (History) test, my friend Ah Jie just thought that it was Geography. Die liao lor~ But maybe won't de lah, Ah Jie genius lai de.

What I hate before exams - Need to revise a bunch of random knowledge in just some hours. Ya, I'm the type of student who never does revision at home, unless the exams are coming.
And i guess I'm not the only student who's like this, because during the exam week, all students are like this:

I seldom see students walking around in the school compound with a book on their hands. 
That will definitely be weird. That type of students should be considered as nerds. Nerds make me think of Pegboard Nerds, the DJ. Whatever anyway.

Credits to my friend Emily for this comic strip. I stole her idea. I'm a bad boy (Neh nope). This may be real, for some students. You will get good grades just if you study hard? Not always. It's just lies lies lies lies lies. Why people always lie lie lie lie lie lie. Why you lie lie lie lie lie lie lie. Neh you didn't it's just a lie lie lie lie lie lie.
Now it's geting annoying.
Speaking of annoying, on the last day of the exam, was the cute little annoying little pervert - Aby's birthday. Wish her happy birthday!!!!!!!!!

I forgot my best friend's birthday. I'm an awful friend.
Neh I don't think I am.
I think I'm kinda late. Her birthday is yesterday, on the 21th of October. Is it October or November or Octagon or Pentagon.... is October.

Saturday 8 October 2016

PPAP (Pen Pineapple Apple Pen)

So recently, this song, PPAP went viral and almost everyone was talking about it. Well, that song is totally annoying but to be honest, It's funny tho. By the way I haven't been posting new comics for two weeks. PPAP should be a great topic for a new post.
*ERM Maybe nope*

So, I didn't really listened PPAP till it finishes at first, for some reasons.

To be honest, the song sounded terrible. I guess I have to change my opinion about that all viral songs sounded nice. I don't know how my friends found this thing, and how the whole world found this thing. It has already 65M views by now. He should have earned quite a profit by now.

Also parodies of PPAP showed up everywhere.
*Only in YouTube actually~*
So, I decided to draw a parody of PPAP too. Well it's gonna be stupid...wait, the original one is already stupid (Neh not really).

If you understand this, you're a genius. If this is so, maybe everyone is a genius. Neh maybe not. 
Also since it's a brainwash song, almost all my friends were brainwashed by it. I'm not that brainwashed lah~~~~
Actually I am.
But what if I'm not?

By the way the PPAP artist, I got help you make AD ah. Where is my money?
Have a great day, great night, great afternoon.....whatever.

Sunday 18 September 2016

Old Friend Gathering

On Saturday, my friend asked me to go for a gathering with my old friends, which were once my primary school classmates.
So, we went to Escape Room, or it is called EPACSE ASIA (See I'm promoting it for free!!!), and we chose a game which seemed a little bit scary.
And It really is quite spooky. And we needed to pick a leader to complete ROOM 1.

And we sent the most experienced guy. And the moral value of this story is 
Ok that's stupid.

So we continued on, to the other rooms, and this always happen.

Sudden screams can really freak people out, especially when you're playing a scary escape game and think that that's a jump scare. Well, it is. A jump scare which will really attract the fist and kicks from the other friends.

And, I came up with a conclusion of what makes the game scary.

YA, it's true.

Then, we walked around the shopping mall we had our gathering at. We went to a drink shop and something awkward happened, TO ME.

I guess I created a JOKE OF DE DAY among my friends. Well, I'm sure Jeremy is going to spread it all around my school. Well never mind, I hope that will make me famous.
Maybe it's worth it.
Never mind, we've found the joke of de day.
FULL ICE will be used to tease me in the future. Great.

Well, have a great day! xD 

Friday 9 September 2016

Watching My Friends In a Banner Competition

Ya, I know. The title is so longgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg.
Whatever anyway.
So my school just organized a banner competition and........I'm not in. I'm not interested but my friends did enter it anyway.
SO I went to check out their situation.

The group's teamwork really the lowest among all participants.
I'm speechless already.

I don't know what to say now already. I'm speechless already.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Just scroll down.

And suddenly THUG LIFE comes in. This comic is totally a mess. xD xD
Whatever xD


Friday 2 September 2016

NO IDEA!!!!!

No ideas for this week...
But still, I had to think about 3 comic strips. Well, probably about no ideas.*WHAT?*
Whatever. Sometimes, I just really don't have ideas. Not only for comics, but also for my essays, school projects and what to eat during recess.
The last one is the hardest thing to decide. The food at my school canteen is just too good.

And sometimes I can really get crazy over those idea thingies. I'm just not that good in thinking. And if you ask is that the BLURRYF/\CE album.
Yes, it is.

Ya I did tried to ask my friends for ideas before, example like for the second part of "Class Things".
My friend Randy gave me that idea. other examples already. Ya, I only asked for ideas one time.

And, I really do want to take a rest now. And........................................................................................................................................................................For your information, the stories above are all made up. Ya. I'm not that forgetful to forget that I needed to update my blog every week.

So, going to take a rest now.

Saturday 27 August 2016

Class Things Again

WOO! Another class things series. Well, thanks to my humorous class, I have a bunch of stupid stories to tell.

So, this is just a saying in my class, or in my school or whatever. when someone starts to sing, everyone will start saying:"Nanti hujan oh!(Later it rain oh!)". I can't seem to see that what does singing has to do with the weather. But to be honest, sometimes it really does rains after one sings, and the one will be blamed.

I'm probably the interactive and dramatic presenter. But I don't know what is the morbid content presenter thinking the whole time. the content is 99% of death and negative things. If you are like that, well, I feel sorry for you.

And there's the kulup sign. What's a kulup, it's a dick male's private part which haven't undergo the circumcision process. What's circumcision? It's a process to cut off the skin of the part.
*erhem erhem*

Well if we're talking about some DM (Dirty Minded) knowledge, the teacher should be learning from the students. Especially Aby. She has the one of the most dirty mind I've ever seen.

Don't ask me where they learned those from. You should ask them.


Friday 26 August 2016

#Sponsored- Asher Neely

Well I spent all the money I earned from this comic on a cup of drink. Whatever lol.
Support Asher Neely or Daus Stoll at:
The CEO.    Incest is Wincenst

Saturday 20 August 2016

De Drink

So recently,  there's a new shop behind our school which sell drinks. And ya,  it attracted a lot of students from the school to try out the drink

Or maybe they purposely chose a place which is close to a school to do their business, so they can earn the students' pocket money.

 Well, I can only say that the shop really did a good job taking our money for a cup of drink. The drink costs RM 6.50 per cup, and the cup is really huge, probably bigger than a L size cup of Chatime.

But sometimes, you should never judge if it's worth it by just looking at the cup and the price.

Well sometimes you need to look at the materials used. 90% of ice, I wonder how awesome it is if we pour the whole cup on someone's head. 

And even though it's totally ice, most students still liked to go out and get themselves a cup of iced drink, or I mean a cup of ice, even though everyone know it's not worth it. 

And ya, it can be considered as one of the most stupid thing we still do even though we know it's not worth it.

Well, the drink shop did a great job. I wonder how much is their profit for a cup.

Have a great day!

Saturday 13 August 2016

7th month of Chinese calendar

No need me to mention, this month is the Ghost month for Chinese in Southeast Asia. I don't know why they have to celebrate this anyway. The whole moth is giving me creeps. Except for the ghost month, this month is also the month which the famous game Pokemon Go finally reached Malaysia.

And most of my friends just became crazy over it.

This is what will happen if any Pokemon Go players met a spirit while searching for Pokemons.
It seemed stupid.

Also recently, I saw a joke on my Whatsapp and I found it quite interesting. This joke is about some "paranormal" actions.

BENAR-BENAR CELAKA lah this joke. I actually thought it's a real legend of that "thing". But, it turned out to be a perfect joke to troll others in this ghost month.

And readers, don't try this at home. You'll never know when will your parents suddenly pop out with a "sugar cane" on their hands, preparing to treat your butt a plate of SUPER SPICY CURRY.

And ya, I wanted to know that if this is actually happening to us in our daily lives. Better hope not.

Please leave a comment below about how you think of my Josh In Kuching blog.
Have a graet weekend xD

Thursday 4 August 2016

Sports Day

Well, here comes one of the most boring day at school. Sport day is coming!!!!! Well I'm not participating in any competition, so I don't even know why am I attending.
*Jia You: It's a Chinese phrase used to give support to others
*Lou You: A Chinese slang used to call others to lose (Bad example)
*Bojio: Just a Malaysian slang to tell others for not giving you something or not inviting you to somewhere.

But there's still some interesting activities there, just like the zumba-like-activity which we are asked to dance to the music. 
*Gila- Crazy

Probably me and Ah Jie attracted the most attention as we dance like people from the mental hospital. And I feel that my dance is a little bit too sexy.,.

And, sights were taken and shared on their Wechat moments. Don't know am I going viral or not.
Well, I hope so. don't know why, being viral is one of my dreams. The only struggle for being famous is just you are going to be surrounded by bunch of fans.

Maybe air conditioners too. xD
*RM and cents are the currency of Malaysia

And probably after this, my friends will call me over while buying things. who doesn't want discounts while buying things anyway?