Friday 2 September 2016

NO IDEA!!!!!

No ideas for this week...
But still, I had to think about 3 comic strips. Well, probably about no ideas.*WHAT?*
Whatever. Sometimes, I just really don't have ideas. Not only for comics, but also for my essays, school projects and what to eat during recess.
The last one is the hardest thing to decide. The food at my school canteen is just too good.

And sometimes I can really get crazy over those idea thingies. I'm just not that good in thinking. And if you ask is that the BLURRYF/\CE album.
Yes, it is.

Ya I did tried to ask my friends for ideas before, example like for the second part of "Class Things".
My friend Randy gave me that idea. other examples already. Ya, I only asked for ideas one time.

And, I really do want to take a rest now. And........................................................................................................................................................................For your information, the stories above are all made up. Ya. I'm not that forgetful to forget that I needed to update my blog every week.

So, going to take a rest now.

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