Sunday 30 October 2016

Friends' Suggestions Series

So the Friends' Suggestions Series is like I use the suggestions from my friends to draw the comics. Will there be Friends' Suggestions Series #2? See if my idea enough or not lor. If not enough of course need suggestions.
No one asked that anyway. JOSH PERASAN.

Ya, this one is so random. This was suggested by a friend named Jeff. He says that Halloween is here so I should make a Halloween story. Yep, it is a Halloween story, just a stupid one which ended like a fairy tale. Fairy tales just randomly ended with a SINCE THEN XXX LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER, just like this story here.
And it's so random that I even added Aby's nickname and a heritage building inside.
Happy Halloween still tho.

Sorry for all those cringy emojis tho. Yep, obviously, this was suggested by Aby. Even though she said that I draw her so ugly tho. I DON'T CAREEEEEE XD!!! Why all those emojis? That's how we always chat. A lot of random emojis.

And yep, someone got so emo last night. It's so contagious that even I got emo too. yep, you don't have friends? What on earth am I? A potato? Mashed potato? Fries? Wedges? Chips?! Or I'm just a dust flying randomly?!
LOL anyway..
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY. Even tho some may see this after Halloween tho. 
I drew this during Halloween. Hope I'm not late.
Will there be a Friends' Suggestions Series #2? See if me got idea or not lor.........
What? I said that before already?
Whatever anyway. Have a nice day or night or whatever time you're in now. 

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