Monday 7 November 2016

DREAM SCENCE ( A short comic series )

Dream scene is about the story of my Friend, Elson's dream. It's true tho. He shared his dreams with some of his friends and I decided to draw it into a comic series,
That's why I need to credit him. He provided the story tho. This story only consist of four pages but it took me almost a day to finish it tho. Don't ask why.
At least I tried my best. Maybe it's going to be funny for some but nothing at all to some others, but for me it's quite funny tho. Hope you like it.
if you like it do help share the link or this post to your friends. Sharing is Caring!
Contains content which may be quite violent, curse words, love words which may be quite disgusting, and some may be offensive to others. Please be noted that all content are just for entertainment purpose.


PG 1

\PG 2

PG 3

PG 4


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