Saturday 5 November 2016

Random Aby Things

Yeah, this week it's all about Aby. I'm pretty sure some of my "FRIENDS" will be saying stuff like "yerrr" or "ss" or things like that. That's why I'm gonna say that I'M NOT HER BOYFRIEND AND I DIDN'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HER!!!! That's disgusting LOLL.
So back to this week's blog topic. Aby is my best friend so of course I have a lot of stories about her. Well, I'm just gonna share three. Why? Because I only draw three strips for every post!
*Shaddap you only drew three because you don't know how to express the other stories*

So firstly. Aby is quite a CHUBBY girl, even tho I treat her like a boy tho. I really just wanted to pinch her cheeks everytime. It's so cuteeeeeeeee.
*EHEM* What?

Yeah and then she hit me so hard, and pinched my arm. Now you should know why I treat her like a boy. OVER VIOLENCE. But by the way, which girl in this era isn't violent?

So, the second story. It just happened the day before I drew this stupid blog post. It happened at school tho. So, she was stacking a card tower ( The teacher isn't teaching tho ), and.....................
Won't you just read the comic below?! Wait, you actually wanted to? Ohhh sorry then.

I'm super afraid of girls' crying, especially Aby's. Don't know why. We really panicked that time. Panic makes me think of Panic!At The Disco tho. Whatever, it has nothing to do with this.

So the third one....It's going to be so emo, emo until I blurred the things which Aby said. If I showed everyone what she said when she's emo, she's probably gonna kill me. 

I don't mind tho. Everyone gets emo sometimes lah. There's even a hyperactive person in my school who have thoughts of having suicide. Instead of that person, a bunch of people I know wanted to do so. Whatever anyway. 
So here's the end of the post. And me and my friend, Steve, are planning to draw a series of short stories, in another blog tho. Let's see when will the plan be carried out lor.
Have a great day and if you know me and Aby in the actual world, I REALLY DIDN'T HAVE A CRUSH ON HER.

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