Saturday 27 August 2016

Class Things Again

WOO! Another class things series. Well, thanks to my humorous class, I have a bunch of stupid stories to tell.

So, this is just a saying in my class, or in my school or whatever. when someone starts to sing, everyone will start saying:"Nanti hujan oh!(Later it rain oh!)". I can't seem to see that what does singing has to do with the weather. But to be honest, sometimes it really does rains after one sings, and the one will be blamed.

I'm probably the interactive and dramatic presenter. But I don't know what is the morbid content presenter thinking the whole time. the content is 99% of death and negative things. If you are like that, well, I feel sorry for you.

And there's the kulup sign. What's a kulup, it's a dick male's private part which haven't undergo the circumcision process. What's circumcision? It's a process to cut off the skin of the part.
*erhem erhem*

Well if we're talking about some DM (Dirty Minded) knowledge, the teacher should be learning from the students. Especially Aby. She has the one of the most dirty mind I've ever seen.

Don't ask me where they learned those from. You should ask them.


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