Saturday 22 October 2016

Year End Exam

So when I'm posting the blog post, I just finished my year end exam. Finally ahhhhhhh!!! So I still remember when we have our Sejarah (History) test, my friend Ah Jie just thought that it was Geography. Die liao lor~ But maybe won't de lah, Ah Jie genius lai de.

What I hate before exams - Need to revise a bunch of random knowledge in just some hours. Ya, I'm the type of student who never does revision at home, unless the exams are coming.
And i guess I'm not the only student who's like this, because during the exam week, all students are like this:

I seldom see students walking around in the school compound with a book on their hands. 
That will definitely be weird. That type of students should be considered as nerds. Nerds make me think of Pegboard Nerds, the DJ. Whatever anyway.

Credits to my friend Emily for this comic strip. I stole her idea. I'm a bad boy (Neh nope). This may be real, for some students. You will get good grades just if you study hard? Not always. It's just lies lies lies lies lies. Why people always lie lie lie lie lie lie. Why you lie lie lie lie lie lie lie. Neh you didn't it's just a lie lie lie lie lie lie.
Now it's geting annoying.
Speaking of annoying, on the last day of the exam, was the cute little annoying little pervert - Aby's birthday. Wish her happy birthday!!!!!!!!!

I forgot my best friend's birthday. I'm an awful friend.
Neh I don't think I am.
I think I'm kinda late. Her birthday is yesterday, on the 21th of October. Is it October or November or Octagon or Pentagon.... is October.

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