Saturday 20 August 2016

De Drink

So recently,  there's a new shop behind our school which sell drinks. And ya,  it attracted a lot of students from the school to try out the drink

Or maybe they purposely chose a place which is close to a school to do their business, so they can earn the students' pocket money.

 Well, I can only say that the shop really did a good job taking our money for a cup of drink. The drink costs RM 6.50 per cup, and the cup is really huge, probably bigger than a L size cup of Chatime.

But sometimes, you should never judge if it's worth it by just looking at the cup and the price.

Well sometimes you need to look at the materials used. 90% of ice, I wonder how awesome it is if we pour the whole cup on someone's head. 

And even though it's totally ice, most students still liked to go out and get themselves a cup of iced drink, or I mean a cup of ice, even though everyone know it's not worth it. 

And ya, it can be considered as one of the most stupid thing we still do even though we know it's not worth it.

Well, the drink shop did a great job. I wonder how much is their profit for a cup.

Have a great day!

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