Saturday 2 July 2016


So, in case you don't understand, "Lega" is a Malay word, which means fun and entertainment. So now, let's get the story started.

In class, I am in charge of the decoration and hanging out the projects. Did I use the correct word? Whatever anyway, a group passed me their Moral project, which is about popular places in Malaysia. I found something quite funny. They accidentally typed "Legoland" into "Legaland".

Well, maybe I'm not the only one who will type the name of a place wrongly.

I showed it to Aby, the girl which is sitting next to me in class ( Well actually I moved to the seat beside her ). She started to "Having Chain Reactions" in her brain. Well, she ended up coming up with a really dirty meaning of this "Legaland".

She says it's a place for "PLEASURE"...
She totally succeeded in polluting my mind.

And, they girl sitting opposite us is maybe too innocent.
*It means : You two's brains are helpless already.

Ya, I knew that already. And Aby, thanks for polluting my brain.
Btw I still don't understand why you say:"No dirtiness, no pleasure"
And stop expecting for "pleasure"

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