Saturday 16 July 2016

Class Things

Yay! A new post today! So, class things are like things that happen in class, which are mostly interesting, and maybe dirty sometimes.....WHATEVER

*SOHAI : Crazy

Well, sometimes sit-in teachers do spoil our expectation of being monkeys in class, but that's a good thing actually. Imagine having a bunch of monkeys screaming and running around in class and the class monitor also can't stop the chaos.

That's terrible.

YAY a second comic!!! So, shaking the chair is one of the things which most students will do....when they're still small. I don't see much people playing with their chairs nowadays, but still I remember a related prank of pulling someone's chair away when they stand up and watch they fall on the floor when they sit.

It seemed fun but my teacher scolded the ones who did that by "Oi! Later ah he(/she) knock dao the table side and brain dead you take care of him(/her) oh!"

That's what the teacher said anyway.

And you're probably thinking how did Jeremy flew that far in the comic.
*It's a comic bah, don't take it too serious...*

This should happen if our class is allowed to change their seats according to how we wanted. Well we'll have a side of Chinese and a side of non-chinese and whatever.

It's none of my business anyway. I'm not in the war.
No I'm not.
Nooooooo by the way....

Why am I always doing this?
Then why you care so much? xD xD

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