Friday 8 July 2016

Facebook Game Links

Well, sometimes when we use Facebook, there will be some game link shared by boring friends like:" What's in your name ", "What type of person are you" Or things like that.

Maiku lah so stupid, Jeremy is a boy.  I laughed so hard that time and I shared it immediately on my timeline. Of course! This stupid thing of course I must share it. Maybe I can get more likes then.

I have to say,  this link is so damn stupid. Can't it even detect that Jeremy is a boy?! Or don't tell me that Jeremy actually set his gender on Facebook as a "Female".

This should be called a "She-male". Or a "Male-she" or whatever thingie. 

Well luckily Jeremy isn't that boring to play that link or else I got a 85% chance that I'll be the pregnant guy. 

Ya. Pregnant "GUY"
How the hell can a guy get pregnant anyway?!
*Kau pergi mati : Go die 

Well, at last I'm forced to delete that post from my timeline. Ya, by Jeremy, of course. 

So I can't share the fun with more people. 
Sad ~

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