Thursday 9 June 2016

Parking Styles in Kuching

So, actually you don't have to be in Kuching to find these "special" parking styles. You can find them all over Malaysia. But those styles that I drew in the comic is those that I always see in Kuching. should I say now?

Ok lah I'll explain after this comic strip.
Tipu tipu sahaja-Lying only

So, I'm still not allowed to drive yet ( I'm in secondary school ), and I won't be angry of these because it's none of my business ( Because I no car bah ). But, in all of those styles, I hate the parking-blocker the most, even though sometimes my parents also park like this lah...(-.-') 

And to be confirm that you don't blame real OKUs ( Disabled people ) for parking their cars in the OKU parking spot, you can look inside the car through the car window. And trust me. Every time when I do this, I find that those cars are normal cars ( OKU cars sure have some special equipment bah! ), and I've never seen a real OKU's car parking in the OKU parking lot.

And the share-share method...In Malaysia, almost everything can share share. You can share your table at a kopitiam ( coffee shop ), share a cup of Starbucks with a friend ( Starbucks expensive bah! ), share a serving a food with somebody else and whatever. But I never knew that a parking lot can also share share, but ya, they will occupy 3 lots, and it's even "lot-saving" if every car park in their own parking lot anyway.

So drivers, next time you can also use your creativity and park like this.
You will sure become viral and popular after doing this.

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