Tuesday 7 June 2016

My broken phone

So, this incident, or i mean accident happened yesterday.
Why accident? This is really a serous matter for me. So, it started out as a fine day...
actually that day isn't fine at all, as my phone jammed so many times. Well, let me just get it to the topic. So, I was about to go and take a shower after a long busy( Oh really?! ) day, to make me smell better, of course( What? )

well never mind, let me get straight to the story. I was about to put my smartphone- hTC Desire 210 Dual Sim( What phone is this anyway?! )

Wanna know? Just go and Google it! Google knows everything! Right?
*no response*

well, that;s awkward... So, when i'm about to put my phone on the cupboard, I accidentally pushed my phone, and it fell off the cupboard.

*Phone ah!!! Don't learn those idiots and go commit suicide lah!!!*

It fell off the about 2.5 meter cupboard, and down to the floor. Well, my phone jut experienced some suicide action, by jumping off.....Ok lah! I'm the one who push it lah! I'm the murderer lah!

RIP- My smartphone (2015-2016)

Kesian lah my phone got a short lifespan. What? Ok lah Ok lah! My wrong lah!
I killed my own phone lah!!!

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