Monday 31 October 2016


So there's another sponsered comic by Asher Neely. HE's my classmate bah, need to support him.
*Shut up you did it just for money*

ASHER NEELY's TWITTER:                                       HERE



Sunday 30 October 2016

Friends' Suggestions Series

So the Friends' Suggestions Series is like I use the suggestions from my friends to draw the comics. Will there be Friends' Suggestions Series #2? See if my idea enough or not lor. If not enough of course need suggestions.
No one asked that anyway. JOSH PERASAN.

Ya, this one is so random. This was suggested by a friend named Jeff. He says that Halloween is here so I should make a Halloween story. Yep, it is a Halloween story, just a stupid one which ended like a fairy tale. Fairy tales just randomly ended with a SINCE THEN XXX LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER, just like this story here.
And it's so random that I even added Aby's nickname and a heritage building inside.
Happy Halloween still tho.

Sorry for all those cringy emojis tho. Yep, obviously, this was suggested by Aby. Even though she said that I draw her so ugly tho. I DON'T CAREEEEEE XD!!! Why all those emojis? That's how we always chat. A lot of random emojis.

And yep, someone got so emo last night. It's so contagious that even I got emo too. yep, you don't have friends? What on earth am I? A potato? Mashed potato? Fries? Wedges? Chips?! Or I'm just a dust flying randomly?!
LOL anyway..
HAPPY HALLOWEEN EVERYBODY. Even tho some may see this after Halloween tho. 
I drew this during Halloween. Hope I'm not late.
Will there be a Friends' Suggestions Series #2? See if me got idea or not lor.........
What? I said that before already?
Whatever anyway. Have a nice day or night or whatever time you're in now. 

Saturday 22 October 2016

Year End Exam

So when I'm posting the blog post, I just finished my year end exam. Finally ahhhhhhh!!! So I still remember when we have our Sejarah (History) test, my friend Ah Jie just thought that it was Geography. Die liao lor~ But maybe won't de lah, Ah Jie genius lai de.

What I hate before exams - Need to revise a bunch of random knowledge in just some hours. Ya, I'm the type of student who never does revision at home, unless the exams are coming.
And i guess I'm not the only student who's like this, because during the exam week, all students are like this:

I seldom see students walking around in the school compound with a book on their hands. 
That will definitely be weird. That type of students should be considered as nerds. Nerds make me think of Pegboard Nerds, the DJ. Whatever anyway.

Credits to my friend Emily for this comic strip. I stole her idea. I'm a bad boy (Neh nope). This may be real, for some students. You will get good grades just if you study hard? Not always. It's just lies lies lies lies lies. Why people always lie lie lie lie lie lie. Why you lie lie lie lie lie lie lie. Neh you didn't it's just a lie lie lie lie lie lie.
Now it's geting annoying.
Speaking of annoying, on the last day of the exam, was the cute little annoying little pervert - Aby's birthday. Wish her happy birthday!!!!!!!!!

I forgot my best friend's birthday. I'm an awful friend.
Neh I don't think I am.
I think I'm kinda late. Her birthday is yesterday, on the 21th of October. Is it October or November or Octagon or Pentagon.... is October.

Saturday 8 October 2016

PPAP (Pen Pineapple Apple Pen)

So recently, this song, PPAP went viral and almost everyone was talking about it. Well, that song is totally annoying but to be honest, It's funny tho. By the way I haven't been posting new comics for two weeks. PPAP should be a great topic for a new post.
*ERM Maybe nope*

So, I didn't really listened PPAP till it finishes at first, for some reasons.

To be honest, the song sounded terrible. I guess I have to change my opinion about that all viral songs sounded nice. I don't know how my friends found this thing, and how the whole world found this thing. It has already 65M views by now. He should have earned quite a profit by now.

Also parodies of PPAP showed up everywhere.
*Only in YouTube actually~*
So, I decided to draw a parody of PPAP too. Well it's gonna be stupid...wait, the original one is already stupid (Neh not really).

If you understand this, you're a genius. If this is so, maybe everyone is a genius. Neh maybe not. 
Also since it's a brainwash song, almost all my friends were brainwashed by it. I'm not that brainwashed lah~~~~
Actually I am.
But what if I'm not?

By the way the PPAP artist, I got help you make AD ah. Where is my money?
Have a great day, great night, great afternoon.....whatever.