Saturday 27 August 2016

Class Things Again

WOO! Another class things series. Well, thanks to my humorous class, I have a bunch of stupid stories to tell.

So, this is just a saying in my class, or in my school or whatever. when someone starts to sing, everyone will start saying:"Nanti hujan oh!(Later it rain oh!)". I can't seem to see that what does singing has to do with the weather. But to be honest, sometimes it really does rains after one sings, and the one will be blamed.

I'm probably the interactive and dramatic presenter. But I don't know what is the morbid content presenter thinking the whole time. the content is 99% of death and negative things. If you are like that, well, I feel sorry for you.

And there's the kulup sign. What's a kulup, it's a dick male's private part which haven't undergo the circumcision process. What's circumcision? It's a process to cut off the skin of the part.
*erhem erhem*

Well if we're talking about some DM (Dirty Minded) knowledge, the teacher should be learning from the students. Especially Aby. She has the one of the most dirty mind I've ever seen.

Don't ask me where they learned those from. You should ask them.


Friday 26 August 2016

#Sponsored- Asher Neely

Well I spent all the money I earned from this comic on a cup of drink. Whatever lol.
Support Asher Neely or Daus Stoll at:
The CEO.    Incest is Wincenst

Saturday 20 August 2016

De Drink

So recently,  there's a new shop behind our school which sell drinks. And ya,  it attracted a lot of students from the school to try out the drink

Or maybe they purposely chose a place which is close to a school to do their business, so they can earn the students' pocket money.

 Well, I can only say that the shop really did a good job taking our money for a cup of drink. The drink costs RM 6.50 per cup, and the cup is really huge, probably bigger than a L size cup of Chatime.

But sometimes, you should never judge if it's worth it by just looking at the cup and the price.

Well sometimes you need to look at the materials used. 90% of ice, I wonder how awesome it is if we pour the whole cup on someone's head. 

And even though it's totally ice, most students still liked to go out and get themselves a cup of iced drink, or I mean a cup of ice, even though everyone know it's not worth it. 

And ya, it can be considered as one of the most stupid thing we still do even though we know it's not worth it.

Well, the drink shop did a great job. I wonder how much is their profit for a cup.

Have a great day!

Saturday 13 August 2016

7th month of Chinese calendar

No need me to mention, this month is the Ghost month for Chinese in Southeast Asia. I don't know why they have to celebrate this anyway. The whole moth is giving me creeps. Except for the ghost month, this month is also the month which the famous game Pokemon Go finally reached Malaysia.

And most of my friends just became crazy over it.

This is what will happen if any Pokemon Go players met a spirit while searching for Pokemons.
It seemed stupid.

Also recently, I saw a joke on my Whatsapp and I found it quite interesting. This joke is about some "paranormal" actions.

BENAR-BENAR CELAKA lah this joke. I actually thought it's a real legend of that "thing". But, it turned out to be a perfect joke to troll others in this ghost month.

And readers, don't try this at home. You'll never know when will your parents suddenly pop out with a "sugar cane" on their hands, preparing to treat your butt a plate of SUPER SPICY CURRY.

And ya, I wanted to know that if this is actually happening to us in our daily lives. Better hope not.

Please leave a comment below about how you think of my Josh In Kuching blog.
Have a graet weekend xD

Thursday 4 August 2016

Sports Day

Well, here comes one of the most boring day at school. Sport day is coming!!!!! Well I'm not participating in any competition, so I don't even know why am I attending.
*Jia You: It's a Chinese phrase used to give support to others
*Lou You: A Chinese slang used to call others to lose (Bad example)
*Bojio: Just a Malaysian slang to tell others for not giving you something or not inviting you to somewhere.

But there's still some interesting activities there, just like the zumba-like-activity which we are asked to dance to the music. 
*Gila- Crazy

Probably me and Ah Jie attracted the most attention as we dance like people from the mental hospital. And I feel that my dance is a little bit too sexy.,.

And, sights were taken and shared on their Wechat moments. Don't know am I going viral or not.
Well, I hope so. don't know why, being viral is one of my dreams. The only struggle for being famous is just you are going to be surrounded by bunch of fans.

Maybe air conditioners too. xD
*RM and cents are the currency of Malaysia

And probably after this, my friends will call me over while buying things. who doesn't want discounts while buying things anyway?