Wednesday 22 March 2017

How To Eat Correctly ( Kinda Racist )

Do you know how to eat correctly?! Do you know what is the most correct way to eat?!
Use your mouth to chew and swallow the food.
It's just that easy. Ok I'll kms...

You could try that way out if you want. Doing that in public can help increase other's attention towards you. Don't tell people I taught you that. :P

I wonder if anyone will find this funny though. I just find it funny because I laugh easily. But yet, that helps me a lot. After me and my friend joked about it, it then came out in the test paper...
And that's the only thing I remember about eating ethnics.
Damn I should always do revision like this in the future.

Hope I won't trigger anyone for this one. And here's an extra part for this time, just because I have time to draw more. Have a nice whatever time ur in now. :3