Saturday 7 January 2017

Old Friend Gathering 2 (Gone MEME)

What's gone MEME? Whatever anyway. First post in 201 6  ←7.
So new year, new...whatever no new things. And I had a Facebook so go follow it if you want. I use Facebook to promote my new posts because my pageviews are obviously dropping. Dammit.
So that has nothing to do with this post. So, about almost a month ago I went for an old friend gathering again, at Cityone Megamall, if you know where there is.
That's why I made another post about it, which is this one.

And that's why I don't think I wanna go Karaoke-ing again. probably I am going to forget it after some months. And I did a short 5 minutes livestream of what happened that time on my Facebook.
*Dammit stop talking bout Facebook, I'm not gonna follow*
I wonder how is Jeremy already. And my another friend is the most pitiful one, as he paid for the KBOX just to get in and hear us screaming. R I P ears.

And I am always making my friends embarrassed. Well at least I learnt not to complain about the products' price in front of the shopkeeper.
To be honest I never knew I shouldn't. Well but, need to learn how to save money, right? Need to learn this since child mah...
Just an excuse.

That's why I said it gone MEME. I created the joke of the year. Not really tho. Remember to never order No Ice Full Sugar at any drink shop, or else you wanna get a cup of sugar. at least now I know. Damn I learned so much general knowledge by going for outings with my friends.
I drew a comic strip bout that in Old Friends Gathering.
Check it out. Not this one, the another one.
This is Old Friends Gathering 2, which has a number 2 behind,
Have a great whatever time you are in now. Share it if you can by downloading the pics down and share it. My views are dropping. Thank you.