Friday 14 April 2017

Beauty And The Beast

Somehow this movie was said to have gay contents in it. I don't know why, and I don't think I'll get to know why, because I'm not even interested in that movie so yeah.

A combination of this movie and the recent news about rapers can marry their victim. In Malaysia at least lol. No political content intended. Jk it is intended.

Just in case you don't know what is Booty and Breast, Booty means the butt and breast is the part in between your neck and stomach, and where the boobs are. *erhem*
So yeah, movie ruined.
You are welcome.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

How To Eat Correctly ( Kinda Racist )

Do you know how to eat correctly?! Do you know what is the most correct way to eat?!
Use your mouth to chew and swallow the food.
It's just that easy. Ok I'll kms...

You could try that way out if you want. Doing that in public can help increase other's attention towards you. Don't tell people I taught you that. :P

I wonder if anyone will find this funny though. I just find it funny because I laugh easily. But yet, that helps me a lot. After me and my friend joked about it, it then came out in the test paper...
And that's the only thing I remember about eating ethnics.
Damn I should always do revision like this in the future.

Hope I won't trigger anyone for this one. And here's an extra part for this time, just because I have time to draw more. Have a nice whatever time ur in now. :3

Friday 10 February 2017

The Human Eye

This has not much to do about Science, but yet yeah I got that inspiration from things that happened during Science class. So yeah, learn while reading comics. That's great!
So....the Human Eye is one of the most complicated thing in Chapter 1 of our Science textbook. Yet sitting next to Ah Jie is fun.

"Dr. Jie pun master has a job. Be punny like Jie"-Josh Tiong 2017
Ye it makes sense though. The eye has two humors. It is HUMORius. 
Ok enough.

This is what I thought after the teacher taught us about Short Sightness, Long Sightness, why it happens and how to fix them.
I am weird. Don't judge.

Also, Valentines Day is coming so share this to your loved ones.
Don't ruin people's retina. It's real. Go search up "Will too much light harm the eye"
Have a nice day.


Saturday 7 January 2017

Old Friend Gathering 2 (Gone MEME)

What's gone MEME? Whatever anyway. First post in 201 6  ←7.
So new year, new...whatever no new things. And I had a Facebook so go follow it if you want. I use Facebook to promote my new posts because my pageviews are obviously dropping. Dammit.
So that has nothing to do with this post. So, about almost a month ago I went for an old friend gathering again, at Cityone Megamall, if you know where there is.
That's why I made another post about it, which is this one.

And that's why I don't think I wanna go Karaoke-ing again. probably I am going to forget it after some months. And I did a short 5 minutes livestream of what happened that time on my Facebook.
*Dammit stop talking bout Facebook, I'm not gonna follow*
I wonder how is Jeremy already. And my another friend is the most pitiful one, as he paid for the KBOX just to get in and hear us screaming. R I P ears.

And I am always making my friends embarrassed. Well at least I learnt not to complain about the products' price in front of the shopkeeper.
To be honest I never knew I shouldn't. Well but, need to learn how to save money, right? Need to learn this since child mah...
Just an excuse.

That's why I said it gone MEME. I created the joke of the year. Not really tho. Remember to never order No Ice Full Sugar at any drink shop, or else you wanna get a cup of sugar. at least now I know. Damn I learned so much general knowledge by going for outings with my friends.
I drew a comic strip bout that in Old Friends Gathering.
Check it out. Not this one, the another one.
This is Old Friends Gathering 2, which has a number 2 behind,
Have a great whatever time you are in now. Share it if you can by downloading the pics down and share it. My views are dropping. Thank you.